Is There Any Difference Between 2 Antenna And 4 Antenna Router?

Are you wondering what is the difference between 2 antenna and 4 antenna router? Then I can guess you are preparing to buy for one. Well, The main difference is that with a 4 antenna router you’ll get to send and receive more data simultaneously than a 2 antenna router.

But, this isn’t it. Multiple antennas do much more work than only sending and receiving plenty of data. Multiple antennas provide way better wireless connection. The more the antennas, the better the connection.

Besides, multiple antennas increases the bandwidth overall, so you get faster internet than before.

In this article, you’ll get to know the kith and kin details of multiple antenna routers. Lastly, you” be able to choose one from 2 antenna and 4 antenna router. So, let’s begin to explore everything about them.

What Does Antenna Do In A Router?

You all know that a router is a vital device to provide internet connection in your house. They have different types. You can see single antenna router, dual antenna router or multiple antenna router.

To know which one to go for, firstly you need to know what the antenna does for you.

Wi-fi router antennas  are also known as omnidirectional antenna. It means, this omnidirectional antenna works equally in all  direction

In simple words, the router’s external antenna is there to send and receive data. People often think that the tip of the antenna does the work. But in reality, the full circular rod (Antenna) works to do the job.

Why Do You Need 2 Antenna Or 4 Antenna Router?

Antennas use RF signals (Radio signals) or wireless signal to transmit data. Suppose you just sent someone a message through your social media. The external antenna will get the RF signal for it, decode the data and send it to the internet.

On the other side, the receiver’s external antenna will get the data and send it (RF signal) to the receiver’s social media. This process may look easy but it becomes really complicated when you want to send and receive thousands of data within seconds.

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That’s when multiple omnidirectional antennas play a big role. When you have multiple antennas, you can send and receive data faster and more easily.

Most commonly a dual band 5 GHz router’s one antenna can support 433mbps. When you use 2 antenna it increases to 433+433= 866mbps. Thus, using 3 or 4 antenna router you get more Mbps of data sending and receiving capacity.

So, if you’re using 10/15 wireless devices with one router or your family members are using the same one, a multiple antenna router is the best solution for you.

What Is 2 Antenna Router?

What Is 2 Antenna Router?
2 Antenna Router

Router that consists of 2 antennas are 2 antenna routers. If I take the mostly used 5 GHz router as an example, a 2 antenna router will offer 866 megabit per second of data transmission capacity.

Means, you get double speed from 2 antennas and can send and receive data faster than single or no antenna routers.

What Is 4 Antenna Router?

What Is 4 Antenna Router?
4 Antenna Router

Router that consists of 4 antennas are 4 antenna routers. Now, you’ll get 1,732 Mbps of speed in the same 5GHz router.

You can now use nearly 10 devices with a great internet speed using 4 antenna router.

Is a router with 4 antennas better?

Having a router with 4 antennas can potentially offer better Wi-Fi coverage and improved signal strength compared to routers with fewer antennas. The additional antennas can assist in transmitting and receiving data over a wider area, reducing dead zones and providing a more stable connection. However, the effectiveness of the antennas can also depend on factors like the router’s design, placement, and overall quality. In general, a router with 4 antennas may be beneficial for larger homes or offices where a strong and reliable Wi-Fi signal is essential.

What Is The Main Difference Between 2 Antenna And 4 Antenna Router

The main difference between 2 antenna router and 4 antenna router is only the capability to work faster and smoother. In simpler words, a 4 antenna router can do way better than a 2 antenna router.

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In this case, you will get better bandwidth, connection and internet speed in both the 2- and 4 antenna router. But in comparison, 4 antenna router will outperform 2 antenna router for sure.

Which Router Is Better, 2-Antenna Or 4-Antenna?

Undoubtedly, a 4 antenna wi-fi router is better than a 2 antenna wi-fi router. But do you really need a 4 antenna router? Well, that could be a question.

Now you already got some idea about how well the 2 antenna and 4 antenna router will work. As a 4 antenna router can serve a bunch of devices at a time, it should preferably be used in offices. Or, in a household where there are many people and so many devices.

It would be best then when you are using a 4 antenna router. Because they are specially made to manage this kind of traffic. So, if your internet demand is crowded, a 4 antenna router would be better for you.

But, if you live alone or just a few members in your house who have a couple of devices, a 4 antenna router would be a waste. Because a 2 antenna router is sufficient enough to deal with this small traffic.

However, if you are demanding faster internet speed than a 2 antenna router can provide, you can shift to a 4 antenna router. But that is going to cost you some extra bucks for sure.


No matter what great wifi router with multiple external antenna you get the service will also depend on some other factors.

Your mobile devices also have built in internal antennas to send and receive RF signals. When your phone has two active antennas and your router has the same, you get an undoubtedly amazing internet speed.

But, if your phone’s antenna is not very good to catch signals, having multiple external antenna routers won’t solve the speed issue.

So, when you look for the best router you should know about your device’s antenna specifications well and get one that matches the requirements.

Do 4/4 Antennas Increase Wifi Range?

4/4 antennas do not increase wi-fi range.

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There is always a myth about router external antenna relating to wi-fi Range. But let me tell you the truth, wifi range has nothing to do with wifi antennas. The wi-fi range doesn’t depend on the amount of antennas.

Rather, it depends on the antenna’s quality, router’s built quality, antenna gain and router chipset type etc. So, if you want more range and maximum coverage go  for a high gain antenna router or better chipset router.

What Is The Use Of 2/4 Antenna In A Wifi Router?

Multiple antenna’s use in wifi routers is sending and receiving data through RF signals (wifi signals), controlling the signals, serving good bandwidth and making sure a reliable connection.

No matter whether you use a 2 antenna or a 4 antenna router, both will do the same jobs. The only fact is, a 4 antenna router will do it better than 2 antenna ones.


If you are still here I hope, your confusion about the difference between 2 antenna and 4 antenna router is cleared well now.

Lastly, you can say that a 4 antenna router is better in every aspect than a 2 antenna router. It can provide stable and secured internet connection with more bandwidth.

Besides, it is able to deal with a minimum of 10 wireless devices at a time without sacrificing internet quality. Moreover, it ensures superfast internet while having control over the RF signals.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a 4 antenna router today if you got a bunch of devices to feed with the internet. Still, you can consider the 2 antenna router if you don’t have many wireless devices that need internet connection.

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